Trajnostni koncepti sodobnih poslovno tehnoloških logističnih sistemov ter njihova transformcija:
Trajnostni koncepti sodobnih poslovno tehnoloških logističnih sistemov ter njihova transformcija:
Trajnostni koncepti sodobnih poslovno tehnoloških logističnih sistemov ter njihova transformcija:
Green technology
The knowledge society is supposed to be the driving force of sustainable development, so the key goal is to educate as many people as possible. Technological literacy means an individual's or general ability to use, understand, evaluate, and manage technologies that are on the market and are being introduced into logistics business systems. Technological literacy can also be one of the key national or local competitive factors. Technological literacy (general or individual) shows how quickly the public, business logistics environment or the individual can actively participate in the integration or. introduction of new technologies into everyday life or into a logistical business environment. Therefore, it is crucial to know the level of technological literacy of environmental stakeholders, where we introduce green or. new technologies or approaches.
The aim of research in this field:
• determine the technological literacy of children and young people at all educational levels of the school system;
• determine the technological literacy of customers or stakeholders (business/logistics) in environment where green technologies are introduced;
• determine customer preferences that influence the purchase of alternative more environmentally friendly groups of vehicles (HEV, PHEV, BEV, FCEV);
• determine the preferences of the trade/logistics sector for the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into the logistics processes of delivery of goods, internally and last mile to the end customer;
Pametna mobilnost
Koncept pametne mobilnosti zajema premik od tradicionalnega transportnega sistema k mobilnosti kot storitvi (MaaS), kjer inteligentna infrastruktura povezuje različne deležnike in subjekte, da zagotovi učinkovito, inteligentno in trajnostno rešitev. Vključuje več načinov prevoza, oziroma modalitet, vključno z rešitvami mobilnosti na zahtevo (MoD), električnimi vozili, kolesi, hojo itd. Ključna ideja pametne mobilnosti je zagotoviti kakovostne storitve državljanom in hkrati zmanjšati vpliv na okolico.
Varna mobilnost
Varna mobilnost za vse udeležence prometnega sistema je ključna, če želimo vzpostaviti trajnosten in pameten sistem mobilnosti. Varnost kot takšna je funkcija različnih elementov mobilnostnega sistema, predvsem govorimo o vlogi ljudi, infrastrukture in okolja. V vseh modalitetah tako zasledujemo ciljem in pristopom varnega sistema, ki prek večplastne zaščite preprečuje nesreče in zmanjšuje potencialno škodo in poškodbe ob nesrečah v prometu.